Introduction Everyone has a desire to travel either within their own country or overseas but the main barrier to achieving these dreams is MONEY! Scout Oor Land will develop a few tips that you can look into so this barrier can be removed. Before we begin it is advised that you set a target, location and date. this will allow you to have a clear plan for your vacation. Keep Away £1 Every Day Do not push yourself too hard in saving money. It all starts with small values so take a tin can with a personalised label to ensure you do not drop the coins on top of beans! See the below You Tube video on how to make your own personalised piggy bank. Finding A Passive Income Social media has been widely used as one of the platforms to generate income. Some of the Instagram influencers become rich just by taking a paid review or selling their products online. If you are not confident enough to make your own You Tube channel and talking to people face to f...
Have you ever heard of something that sounds similar to Irn-Bru, Haggis and Bagpipes? That is right, Scotland! This blog will provide you with all the information related to the top tourist attractions, travel tips and saving tips. It is time to make your dream holiday come true!