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Showing posts from February, 2019

Six Tips That Make Your Pocket Smile

Introduction  Everyone has a desire to travel either within their own country or overseas but the main barrier to achieving these dreams is MONEY! Scout Oor Land will develop a few tips that you can look into so this barrier can be removed. Before we begin it is advised that you set a target, location and date. this will allow you to have a clear plan for your vacation.  Keep Away £1 Every Day Do not push yourself too hard in saving money. It all starts with small values so take a tin can with a personalised label to ensure you do not drop the coins on top of beans! See the below You Tube video on how to make your own personalised piggy bank.  Finding A Passive Income Social media has been widely used as one of the platforms to generate income. Some of the Instagram influencers  become rich just by taking a paid review or selling their products online. If you are not confident enough to make your own You Tube channel and talking to people face to f...

Is The Beauty of Scotland A Reality or Fantasy?

Introduction Some people love to read and other people think reading is a waste of time and less attractive. Research has shown that we are easily attracted to and remember images that are colourful. The below post contains the top 3 Instagram profiles that you can follow to help you discover the beauty of nature that is hidden behind the name of Scotland. The beauty of Scotland also includes the historical views and a unique culture that will entice you to visit Scotland at least once. Hey, why just visit once when you can move here and be a part of us! Check out the below You Tube video from Sonnie Travels who talks the various culture shocks that she experienced. Instagram Name: Scotland Greatshots Instagram Overview: Love to feel a modern lifestyle, bustling city and enjoying your morning reading the news with a cup of Americano. Scotland Greatshots will make you immersed int o this fe eling. Sharing the same interest, why not follow Charlie Urban for more am...

Attractions For Scotland's 44 Seasons

Introduction 44 seasons? You must be thinking that I am either crazy or that there are typing mistakes in the title but your predictions are both wrong. In fact there are truly 44 seasons in Scotland! Having 4 different seasons in one year already makes people have mixed feelings but can you imagine having 44 seasons. You can notice Scotland's weather changes in each area. Visit Scotland stated that if you drove 20 minutes past a town, you will be surprised that the weather changes! There is an old Scottish saying “There is no such thing as having wrong weather, you are just wearing the wrong clothes!” There are so many attractive places and events in Scotland that will allow you to relax and have fun. Each season can be filled with lots of great activities that you may never think of. These can be undertaking alone, with your partner or with the whole family. So what can we do during the seasons? Spring Cherry blossom in Meadows, Edinburgh. Months:...